Today, I am going to implement Kruskal’s Algorithm in Clojure.
Kruskal’s algorithm finds a spanning tree within a graph. A spanning tree of a connected graph is a maximal connected cycle-free subgraph of the graph. If the graph is disconnected then each connected component has a spanning tree, and the full set of spanning trees of the connected components is called a spanning forest, obviously!
I am going to concentrate on the case where edges have no direction or weights. In any case, the algorithm is pretty simple.
Algorithm Kruskal
Input: An undirected graph G given as a set of edges
Output: A spanning tree of G
Let Tree be the empty set
Let H be G
While H is non-empty
Let e be a random edge from H
If adding e to Tree does not create a cycle
Add e to Tree
End If
Remove e from H
End While
Return Tree
In the weighted version, one has to replace “Let e be a random edge in H” line with “Let e be a cheapest edge in H”. For the directed graphs, checking whether adding the edge e to the already formed tree creates a cycle has to bo modified to take into account oriented cycles.
I am going to represent graphs using sets of edges:
def graph #{#{0 1} #{1 2} #{2 3} #{0 3} #{3 4} #{2 4} #{0 5}}) (
First, a function checks if adding an edge creates a cycle:
defn creates-a-cycle? [path tree]
(let [e (->> tree (filter #(not (empty? (intersection path %)))) first)]
(cond (nil? e) false
(e path) true
(subset? :else (recur (union path e) (remove #{e} tree))))))
0 1} #{#{1 2} #{2 3} #{3 0}})
(creates-a-cycle? #{0 1} #{#{1 2} #{2 3}}) (creates-a-cycle? #{
And here is my implementation of Kruskal’s algorithm.
defn kruskal [graph]
(loop [H (into [] graph)
tree #{}]if (empty? H)
treelet [edge (rand-nth H)]
(recur (remove #{edge} H)
(if (creates-a-cycle? edge tree)
treeconj tree edge))))))) (
Here is a test:
(kruskal graph)
4 3} #{0 1} #{4 2} #{1 2} #{0 5}} #{#{
Here is another larger test whose graph I stole from here:
def railway-connections
#{"Birmingham" "Sheffield"}
#{"Birmingham" "Leeds"}
#{"Birmingham" "Bristol"}
#{"Birmingham" "Liverpool"}
#{"Birmingham" "Manchester"}
"Bristol" "Leeds"}
#{"Bristol" "Liverpool"}
#{"Bristol" "Manchester"}
"Leeds" "Liverpool"}
#{"Leeds" "Manchester"}
"Liverpool" "Manchester"}
"London" "Birmingham"}
#{"London" "Sheffield"}
#{"London" "Leeds"}
#{"London" "Bristol"}
#{"London" "Liverpool"}
#{"London" "Manchester"}
"Sheffield" "Leeds"}
#{"Sheffield" "Liverpool"}
#{"Sheffield" "Manchester"}
(kruskal railway-connections)
"Sheffield" "Leeds"} #{"Manchester" "Liverpool"} #{"Birmingham" "Liverpool"} #{"Manchester" "London"} #{"Liverpool" "Bristol"} #{"Leeds" "London"}} #{#{