The Kitchen Sink and Other Oddities

Atabey Kaygun

Feed-forward and back-propagation in neural networks as left- and right-fold

Description of the problem:

Today’s post is about something (trivial) I realized a few days ago: one can reconceptualize feed-forward and back-propagation operations in a neural network as instances of left-fold and right-fold operations.  Most of this post will be theoretical, and at the end, I will write some code in scala.

Feed-forward and Back-propagation in a Neural Network

A neural network is composed of perceptrons connected via a computation graph.

A perceptron on the other hand is a computation unit which takes a vector \(\mathbf{x}\) as an input and produces a scalar output

\[ f(\mathbf{w}\cdot\mathbf{x} + b) \]

Here \(f\) is a function of type signature \(f\colon\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}\) and \(\mathbf{w}\) and \(b\) are parameters of the underlying perceptron.

In the simplest version of the neural networks, the network consists of layers of perceptrons where input propagates from one layer to the next. Then depending on the error produced, we back-propagate the error adjusting the weights of the perceptrons to produce the correct output. I wrote about perceptrons and back-propagation before (2018-05-18-online_regression.html), here and here

The observation I made is this feed-forward is a left fold, while back-propagation is a right-fold operation. In pseudo-code we can express these operations as follows:

 Input: a vector xs, and a list of layers nss where
        a layer is an ordered list of perceptron and each
        perceptron is a quintuple (w,b,f,eta,ys) where w is a
        vector, b is a real number, f is and activation function,
        eta is the learning rate of the perceptron and zs is the
        last input processed by the node.
 Output: a vector ys
   If nss is empty
      Return xs
      Let ns <- head of nss
      Let ys <- ()
      For each node=(w,f,b,zs) in ns
          Update zs <- xs
          Append f(<w,xs> + b) to ys
      Call FeedForward(ys, tail of nss)

 Input: a vector of errors, and a list of layers as before.
 Output: a vector
   If nss is empty
      Return ds
      Let ns <- tail of nss
      Let zsum <- 0
      For each ((w,b,f,eta,xs),d) in (ns,ds)
          Let zs <- (eta * d / f'(<w,xs> + b)) * xs
          Update w <- w - zs
          Update zsum <- zsum + zs
      Call BackPropagation(zsum, all but the last element of nss)

A Scala Implementation

You can download the code and run it from my github repository. I am using mill instead of sbt.

The feed-forward part of the algorithm is easy to implement in the functional style, i.e. no mutable persistent state, such that the network as a computation unit is referentially transparent. However, the back-propagation phase requires that we update the weights of each perceptron. This means we must capture the whole state of the neural network in a data structure and propagate it along each step. As much as I like functional style and referential transparency, it is easier and cleaner to implement neural networks with mutable persistent state. Hence the choices of vars below.

 package perceptron
 import breeze.linalg._

 object neural {

 case class node(size: Int, fn: Double=>Double, eta: Double) {
     private var input = DenseVector.rand[Double](size+1)
     private var calc = 0.0
     var weights = DenseVector.rand[Double](size+1)
     def forward(x: Array[Double]): Double = {
         input = DenseVector(Array(1.0) ++ x)
         calc = fn(
     def backprop(delta: Double): DenseVector[Double] = {
         val ider = eta/(fn(calc + eta/2) - fn(calc - eta/2) + eta*Math.random)
         val res = (-delta*eta*ider)*input
         weights += res

   case class layer(size: Int, num: Int, fn: Double=>Double, eta: Double) {
     val nodes = (1 to num).map(i=>node(size,fn,eta)).toArray
     def forward(xs: Array[Double]) =
     def backprop(ds: Array[Double]) = {
       val zero = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nodes(0).size+1)
                 .foldRight(zero)({ case((n,d),v) => v + n.backprop(d) })

   case class network(shape:Array[(Int, Int, Double=>Double, Double)]) {
     val layers ={ case (n,m,fn,eta) => layer(n,m,fn,eta) })
     def forward(xs:Array[Double]) = layers.foldLeft(xs)((ys,ns) => ns.forward(ys))
     def backprop(ds:Array[Double]) = layers.foldRight(ds)((ns,ys) => ns.backprop(ys))

The only additional external dependency is the breeze math and statistics package. As for the utility code that we need for training and testing a neural network model for a given dataset, we have

 package perceptron
 import perceptron.neural._

 object Main {

   import scala.util.Random.nextInt

   def sigmoid(x:Double) = 1.0/(1.0 + math.exp(-x))
   def relu(x:Double) = math.max(x,0.0)

   def train(net:network, 
              xs: Array[Array[Double]], 
              ys: Array[Double], 
          epochs: Int, 
       batchSize: Int, 
             tol: Double):Array[Double] = {
     val size = xs.length
     var err = Array[Double]()
     for(i <- 1 to epochs) {
        val j = math.abs(nextInt)%size
        val x = xs(j)
        val d = net.forward(x)(0) - ys(j)
        if(i % batchSize == 1)
          err = Array(0.0) ++ err
          err(0) += 1.0/batchSize

   def main(args: Array[String]) {
       val file = fromFile(args(0))
       val size = args(1).toInt
       val eta = args(2).toDouble
       val epochs = args(3).toInt
       val batchSize = args(4).toInt
       val tol = args(5).toDouble
       val data = file.mkString
       val ys =
       val xs =
       val net = network(Array((size,4,relu,eta),(4,1,sigmoid,eta)))
       val err = train(net, xs, ys, epochs, batchSize, tol)

I know that MNIST is the de facto standard, but it is PIA to load and process the data. Instead, I am going to use the sonar dataset from UCI

I ran the model with the following parameters:

mill data/sonar.csv 60 0.0125 1750000 500 0.3 

In the code above, the neural network has two layers: 60 nodes on the input layer, 1 hidden layer with 4 nodes, and a single output node. The perceptrons on the input layer use RELU meanwhile the other layer uses the sigmoid function.

The best result I received is in the file data/plot.csv whose plot is given below: