The Kitchen Sink and Other Oddities

Atabey Kaygun

Non-negative Matrix Decomposition in Scala

Description of the problem

Imagine you have a large \(m\times n\)-matrix \(D\) which consists of nonnegative real numbers, and we would like to decompose it as \(D = W H\) where \(W\) is a \(m\times k\)-matrix and \(H\) is \(k\times n\)-matrix for a relatively small \(k\) and both of the matrices consist of only nonnegative numbers. This is called non-negative matrix decomposition. I am going to use algorithms described in the paper Algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization by D.D.Lee and H.S.Seung, and implement them in scala.

An implementation in Scala

I am using the scala kernel almond for jupyter to write this blog post.

import $ivy.`org.scalanlp:breeze_2.13:1.0`
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector,DenseMatrix}

def nnmd(D:DenseMatrix[Double], 
         tol:Double=1e-2): (DenseMatrix[Double],DenseMatrix[Double],Int) = {
    var w = DenseMatrix.rand[Double](D.rows, k)
    var h = DenseMatrix.rand[Double](k, D.cols)
    val u = DenseMatrix.fill[Double](D.rows, D.cols)(1.0)
    var i = 0
    while(i < epocs && tol < costFn(D, w*h)/D.size) {
      val wt = w.t
      val ht = h.t
      val tm = D /:/ (w*h) - u
      val et = h /:/ (wt*u)
      val mu = w /:/ (u*ht)
      h += et *:* (wt*tm)
      w += mu *:* (tm*ht)
      i += 1

For this implementation, one can pass his/her own error function. Today, I am going to use the total square error function:

def totSq(A:DenseMatrix[Double], B:DenseMatrix[Double]) = 
    (A - B).map(x=>x*x).sum

Now, let us test the code on a random matrix of size (300,100):

val a = DenseMatrix.rand[Double](300,100)
val b = nnmd(a,30,totSq)
println("result=%f\n".format(totSq(a, b._1*b._2)/a.size))
