The Kitchen Sink and Other Oddities

Atabey Kaygun

Math PhD Hiring Network (Part 3)

I have been looking at the hiring networks in Mathematics (2015-02-18-math_phd_hiring_network_part_1.html) and here in the last two days. The resulting graphs are highly connected and difficult to read. In order to perform more flexible analyses and to simplify the workflow, I created another dataset which is easier to process, and I simplified the code that generates these graphs.  You can find everything you need to play with the code and the data here.

The dataset now consists of person id, advisor’s school (name, country and id) and recipient’s school (name, country and id) and year of the degree. The code I wrote is bare bones. Depending on what you want, first you need to filter the data and then pipe it to the program. The command line parameters are

  1. The first item is either 0 for school based graphs or 1 for country based graphs.
  2. If the weight is below this threshold, it is not displayed on the final graph.
  3. The title of the graph for information purposed delimited with quotation marks.

The weight function: first all PhD’s are counted for the filtered dataset. Then these numbers are normalized between 0 and 1. Then I apply the following function: w(x)=log(1+x) to the result up to a suitable scalar multiple and a cut off function.

Country Based Graphs

Let us start looking at the graphs again:

Hiring network before 1800

France, The Netherlands and Germany (then Prussia) dominated the Math PhD network.

Hiring network between 1800 and 1910

The network has expanded, but the connections are not as strong as before. Germany still dominates, and we have new players appearing on the scene such as Russia and Ukraine. Also notice that both US and UK are importers of PhD degrees, and Germany is the main exporter. But this might be an inherent bias of the dataset. After all, Math Genealogy Project is based in the US.

Hiring network between 1910 and 1940

The number of PhD’s among Germany, The Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland expands. Russia starts exporting degrees to US. Also, notice the relationship between Germany and Spain, but we see no discernible relations between Germany and Italy in between two World Wars.

Hiring network between 1940 and 1985

Wow! Almost all PhD’s between 1940’s and 1980’s are given in the US. The US looks like this large sink that swallows all the math PhD’s. Also, notice that Russia’s influence expands. India now is visible, but not China. 

Hiring network between 1985 and 2005

The US becomes the primary exporter of Math PhD’s. China shows up for the first time. 

Hiring network after 2005

The US now dominating the scene. China appears on the horizon.

School Based Graphs

I will be looking at the specific network around the US, the UK and Canada.

Anglo-American Network Between 1800–1910

The Math PhD Network of the US is very small and largely depends on the UK and Germany.

Anglo-American Network Between 1910–1940

The network starts taking shape. The major hubs form: Chicago, Harvard, Urbana-Champaign, Johns Hopkins and Princeton.

Anglo-American Network Between 1940–1985

After US became the major importer of PhD degrees in math after the 2nd World War, major hubs form a tight network with some interesting subnetworks on the periphery: Texas Austin and small cluster of Southern Universities (not visible on this scale), New York University and its small network, Cambridge and its cross-continental subnetwork.

Anglo-American Network Between 1985–2005

I don’t know what it is but the PhD network became even more connected than previous eras. Increasing and decreasing the threshold doesn’t much change the structure of the graph. It is a highly connected graph with plenty of connections between the major hubs and the rest of the universities.

Anglo-American Network After 2005

The graph didn’t change much from the previous era.