Last week I
wrote about Guy Steele’s
talk “foldl
are considered slightly harmful” which I first
heard from Rich Hickey. Steele’s
conclusion was that for truly parallel data structures and algorithms
was not a good basis. I disagree, and still think that
one can use cons
in an effective way to do what Steele
wants to do.
Yesterday, I was watching Rich Hickey’s talk on Transducers he gave at StrangeLoop. This again reminded of me his talk on Reducers. Being a mathematician, and not a programmer proper, I have to make sense of things in my own way. Writing is one of them, and I hope this might be of interest for some.
An associative container is a linearly ordered collection of objects of a certain type, or mixed types, such as a sequence or a linked list or a vector. A reducing function is a unital associative binary operation. That is all we need to implement a serial fold:
(defun serial-fold (sequence reducer &optional accumulator)
(cond ((null sequence) accumulator)
((atom sequence) (funcall reducer accumulator sequence))
(t (serial-fold (cdr sequence)
(funcall reducer accumulator (car sequence))))))
(serial-fold '(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) #'+ 0)
(serial-fold '(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) (lambda (x y) (cons y x)) nil)
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
I cheated in the second example: notice that we don’t need
associativity because we processed the list sequentially and in order
both in time and in space. If we were to process the container in
parallel by splitting into sublists and put them together using the same
reducer function, then even though the first example would still return
45, the second example could return something else. This is because the
operator is neither unital nor associative.
In any case, for a mathematician, someone whose mind is bent towards making abstractions, an associative container can be thought as an element of a free monoid generated by a type of elements, or mixed types of elements. I am not the only, or not even the first, person making this connection. See for example Dan Piponi’s post on monoids in Haskell, or better yet Steele’s talk.
As I said earlier, I came to Steele’s talk on
through Hickey’s talk on Reducers. Hickey has been
thinking about concurrent programming for a long time, and you can see
the effects of this in the solid design of Clojure. The problem he was
elaborating on his talk on Reducers was concurrent folding on
large collections. Steele, Hickey and others before them, observed that
a well-designed map-reduce
does actually solve that
problem. By the way, the earliest version of the argument, that fold is
universal in some sense, I could find was by Sheard and Feragas, “A Fold
for all Seasons.” I highly recommend it.
In any case, Hickey and Steele got it right: one has to use a version
of map-reduce
that Steele describes instead of a sequential
for a concurrent processing of data collected in a
Here is a simplified version of the implementation I gave for
last week
(defun map-reduce (tree reducer mapper)
(if (atom tree)
(funcall mapper tree)
(funcall reducer (map-reduce (car tree) reducer mapper)
(map-reduce (cdr tree) reducer mapper))))
In this version, map-reduce
doesn’t care how deep the
call is in the tree and both reducer
work the same way regardless of the depth. Here, I
also make the assumption that if you call the mapper
function with nil
it must return the unit element for the
'((1 . 2) ((3 . 4) . 5) . 6)
(lambda (&optional x y)
(cond ((null y) x)
((null x) y)
(t (cons x y))))
(lambda (x)
(if (not (null x))
(* x x))))
((1 . 4) ((9 . 16) . 25) . 36)
Notice that I used a modified version of cons
as the
reducer essentially by making this version unital with nil
being the unit, i.e. if you ucons
any object with nil you
get the same object back. I am going to need this function quite a
(defun ucons (&rest x)
(cond ((null x) nil)
((null (cadr x)) (car x))
((null (car x)) (cadr x))
(t (cons (car x) (cadr x)))))
Following Antoine de Saint Exupery’s dictum that “perfection is
reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing
left to take away,” before we go any further, let me simplify the
function a bit more:
(defun map-reduce (tree reducer)
(if (atom tree)
(funcall reducer tree)
(funcall reducer (map-reduce (car tree) reducer)
(map-reduce (cdr tree) reducer))))
In this version we make the following assumptions:
If we call reducer
on an empty container we get the
unit for the reducer
function. Remember
is a unital associative operation.
If we call reducer
on a single object, we must get a
mapped version of the object.
If we call reducer
on two objects, it does
combining using a unital associative operation.
A mathematician would say, what I described above is a monoid morphism from a free monoid (linked lists can be thought as elements of a free monoid) to a another monoid. For example consider the function
(defun a-monoid-morphism (&rest x)
(cond ((null x) 0)
((null (cadr x)) (car x))
(t (+ (car x) (cadr x)))))
This is a monoid morphism from the free monoid generated by number
objects where the monoid operation is concatenation, into the monoid of
natural numbers where the associative operation is +
the unit is 0. Now, when we feed this function to
'(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)
Here the list (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)
represents an element
in the free monoid generated by integers and the reducer sends this
element to the corresponding element in the monoid of natural
As a matter of fact, any foldable container, not just linked lists
will do. These also include non-unital, even nonassociative containers.
A non-unital and nonassociative binary operation is called a magma. We
usually call containers with this shape as binary trees. The
I implemented above works with them too.
I need a random tree for testing purposes.
(((5 . 1) ((3 . 5) . 4) 10 . 0) (9 1 1 . 3) . 7)
(map-reduce just-a-tree #'a-monoid-morphism)
Here is a proper morphism of magmas:
(defun a-magma-morphism (&rest x)
(labels ((mapper (u) (if (listp u) u (* u u))))
(if (null (cadr x))
(mapper (car x))
(ucons (car x) (cadr x)))))
(map-reduce just-a-tree #'a-magma-morphism)
(((25 . 1) ((9 . 25) . 16) 100 . 0) (81 1 1 . 9) . 49)
Here we have a morphism of magmas from the free magma generated by integers into the same magma where we send each generator x to x2.
Consider the following two morphisms of magmas
(defun m-reduce (oper)
(lambda (&rest x)
(let ((unit (funcall oper)))
(cond ((null x) unit)
((null (cadr x)) (if (car x) (funcall oper (car x)) unit))
((null (car x)) (if (cadr x) (funcall oper (cadr x)) unit))
(t (funcall oper (car x) (cadr x)))))))
(map-reduce just-a-tree (m-reduce #'+))
(defun m-map (f)
(lambda (&rest x)
(if (cadr x)
(ucons (car x) (cadr x))
(if (listp (car x)) (car x) (funcall f (car x))))))
(map-reduce just-a-tree (m-map (lambda (x) (* x x))))
(((25 . 1) ((9 . 25) . 16) 100 . 0) (81 1 1 . 9) . 49)
We are going to use the first to convert binary operators into magma
morphisms while second is for unary operators otherwise known as
ordinary functions. Notice that m-map
begets a filtering
function if we pass the following
(defun collect-if (pred)
(lambda (x)
(cond ((listp x) x)
((funcall pred x) x)
(t nil))))
(m-map (collect-if #'oddp)))
(((5 . 1) 3 . 5) (9 1 1 . 3) . 7)
The main problem occurs when we want to compose these operators. Even after this conceptual simplification composition is still not efficient, because we still have to create unnecessary intermediate collections when we compose
(m-map (collect-if #'oddp)))
(m-reduce #'+))
because we apply the filter first and we create a temporary collection, and then apply a reduce operation adding the resulting numbers. In the language of monoids, we perform the calculation \[ f(g(a\cdot b)) = f(g(a)\cdot g(b)) = f(g(a))\cdot f(g(b)) \] However, composition of two monoid or magma morphisms is another monoid or magma morphism. Hence we can skip the middle step.
I need a composition operator for monoid morphisms:
(defun m-compose (f &rest g)
(if g
(lambda (&rest x)
(cond ((null x) (funcall f))
((null (cadr x)) (funcall f (funcall (apply #'m-compose g) (car x))))
(t (funcall f (car x) (cadr x)))))
Let me test this:
(m-reduce #'+)
(m-map (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(m-map (collect-if (lambda (x) (not (zerop x)))))))
I had two versions of the same workload on a large random binary tree with approximately 10 million leaves:
(m-map (collect-if #'evenp)))
(m-map (lambda (x) (* x x))))
(m-reduce #'+))
(m-reduce #'+)
(m-map (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(m-map (collect-if #'evenp))))
I ran the code 5 times each. The averages are as follows:
Lisp | Time (sec) | Memory (1e9 B) |
SBCL | 3.1 vs 2.3 | 0.9 vs 0.9 |
CCL | 6.4 vs 8.2 | 0.8 vs 1.4 |
ECL | 44.3 vs 32.9 | 3.4 vs 4.1 |
I can’t see a drastic difference neither in running time or memory allocation for SBCL or ECL, but CCL does something wierd. Then again, I am not a professional coder. There might be some tricks to coax better performance out of the composition as opposed to using intermediate collections. I’ll have to implement this in another language to compare performances.